
Common Errors and Questions

Question: getting error on ‘react-native start’?

SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /(.*\\__fixtures__\\.*|node_modules[\\\]react[\\\]dist[\\\].*|website\\node_modules\\.*|heapCapture\\bundle\.js|.*\\__tests__\\.*)$/: Unterminated character class
    at new RegExp ()
    at blacklist (D:\demo\app-kindie\node_modules\metro-config\src\defaults\blacklist.js:34:10)

It appears in \node_modules\metro-config\src\defaults\blacklist.js, there is an invalid regular expression that needed changed. You have to change the first expression under sharedBlacklist from:

var sharedBlacklist = [


var sharedBlacklist = [

Then you MUST clean project (go to android folder):

cd android
.\gradlew clean

go back working folder and build again:

cd ..
react native run-android

Here the issue from stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58120990/how-to-resolve-the-error-on-react-native-start/58122821#58122821

Why the build failed in Kindie latest version?

Go to ios folder, then remove the Pod folder, Podfile.lock
Run: pod repo update
Run: pod install
From the kindie-app folder:
Run: yarn install && yarn start –reset-cache
Run: react-native run-ios

Can I release the app to both iOS and Android?

Yes, as this is made by React Native framework which supports to release for both iOS and Android, please discover more the framework from https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/getting-started.html
Does it include a full source code package and easy to customize?
Yes, you will get the full source code package

Will i get the free upgrade on next coming version?

Yes you will get the free upgrade with more awesome features coming, please follow the changelogs to see the detail update. You will get the email notification for new version update on stores.

I can not run the app with Android?
First, make sure you can open the Android simulator successfully by using Genymotion or Android Studio.

Resolve issue “Could not connect to development server” ?

First, make sure you have run “yarn install” or “npm install” to create the node_modules folder

Then, try the press the Restart button Ctrl+R (Window) or Command+R (MacOS) to reload the project on the simulator. We will able to see the Building Javascript bundle..xxx% at the bottom of the simulator.

Fix “CFBundleIdentifier”, Does Not Exist” ?

Root cause: missing React library or facebookSDK

Step 1: run: yarn setup (only for Mac OS, on window you should run yarn install)

Step 2: .xcworkspaceselect Product/Schema/Edit Schema, then click + button to find React and add it to top of the list, make sure the Parallelize Build is unchecked and the React should be on top.
(Another solution is to select the React from the list and click build again)

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