Test Your Store

Test Your Store

September 26, 2021

Having woo-commerce store, you want to try this app with your current store before buying.

To set a demo with current store

1. Upload Required plugin to WordPress Web backend.

  • Download and install these plugin in Required Plugins on your admin.
  • Generate API Key in Woo-commerce Admin to have Consumer Key (CK) and Consumer Secret (CS) (view step 2 in Web config )

Tutorial Video

2. Config your domain to our mobile application

Download application from Google Play:


  • On the left menu side bar, tab Demo then Custom link button


  • Enter the your Host URL, Consumer key and Consumer Secret



Host URL


WooCommerce consumer key


WooCommerce consumer secret



  • When complete, tap Change

Video how to link your store to our mobile app


Thank you.

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