How to verify your customer license key with Envato marketplace API

How to verify your customer license key with Envato marketplace API

May 9, 2024

Log in to your Envato Market or ThemeForest account. You can find the login button in the top right corner of the website.
Once logged in, navigate to the Downloads section. This section will show all of the items that you have purchased on the platform.

Locate the item that you need the purchase code for. You can either click on the item name or browse through the list.
Click on the “Support” tab.

Scroll down the support page and you will see your purchase code.
Highlight, copy, and use the code wherever you need it, such as verifying your theme or plugin.

Your purchase code is a unique string of characters that is used to verify your purchase.
You may need your purchase code to install or update some themes and plugins.
If you cannot find your purchase code, you can contact Envato Market or ThemeForest customer support for assistance.

Now, locate your API key from your account in the “My Settings” area.

Create a file somewhere on your computer with any prefered name

Paste the following code inside:

Copy to Clipboard

Replace your_api_key with your api key
Replace your_username with your username
Save and upload your file to some web host which supports cURL

Now open your favorite browser, and point it to the file you just uploaded. You will see the error 🙂
Add ?license=license_key_for_verification to the address bar – and swap license_key_for_verification with license key which needs to be verified. If customer purchased your product and the license key is valid you will see following on the screen:

License Type: “purchased_license_type
Item Name (ID): “your_product_name (your_product_envato_id)
Buyer Username: “some_username_here
Purchase Date: “purchase_date

I hope this is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you.


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