
Development of Intranet for Bitex


Bitex is a well-know import and export joint stock company for providing stationery and Casio calculator.

Project Description

To ensure the system working flawlessly, ZiniSoft needed to do the following:
• Allow to read document without download require
• Create and manage document by department
• Test employee knowledge with Quiz
• Can assign access permission to each department or each individual.

Because of the key feature, the client can organize document effectively by now. In the same vein, they are able to know if the document have been read well by employees.


The client commissioned ZiniSoft to develop a document management system. Which is a alternative to Google Drive. In the past, Google Drive have caused a few problem with privacy and management. And, the client want to know if the document have been read well by employee.


Node JS, React JS

Development Details

2 months

Team Size

1 Project Coordinator
1 Designer 2 PHP Developers

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Client Name

John Doe


February 28, 2020


3690 Brownton Road, Mississippi