Kindie Web - Multi branch kindergarten management software

Thank you for purchasing Kindie Web - Multi branch kindergarten management software Script. We covered almost everything in this document that how easily you can setup this script. We really do appreciate every sale. If you like our work please do not forget to rate it. It helps us in developing new and better cloud solutions.
Author: ZiniSoft Team
Demo: Kindie Web - Multi branch kindergarten management software
Before installation, your server must have following requirements to run the script properly
NodeJS v18.x or higher (Note: this is NodeJS App, not PHP app. So you have to ask your hosting provider to double check)
MongoDB 5.x or higher
NginX Server Recommended (Apache configuration and installation up to you, we don't provide support on that)
Installation Instructions
This is a general installation overview of the script, there is a deep dive section provided for each part in the left menu bar.
Follow the steps as explained, and you should be all set. If you face any challenges with installtion steps, reach out to us for a support.
Setup overview:
I - SERVER CONFIGYou will need the following software installed in order to properly run Kindie.
If you are using hosting: they will provide you all the credentials to access: FTP and Database account.
If you are using VPS (Ubuntu 22.x Recommended): login to SSH server and install:
Step 1: Install NginX:
Step 2: Install MongoDB: check out Mongo Community installation instructions. Ref:
Step 3: Install NodeJS?: Ref:
Double-check to make sure everything is working:
$ node --version
$ npm --version
Now, once Nodejs is installed on your server, next step is to install "forever" using the following command:
$ npm install forever -g
Double-check to make sure everything is working
$ forever --version
Now, once "forever" is installed your server, we are ready to run our application!
How to upload Kindie files to server?
Open file .env.example and rename to .env located inside script folder. It contains below values, you can replace with your data:
*replace "" with your database username, password and database name.
*If you need to send / received email, we support Mailgun service, please replace all the credentials above by your Mailgun server config. Ref:
Then Upload all files/folders located inside "script" folder to your server.
How to start our application on dedicated server?
Login to your server using command line: $ cd /path/to/script
$ cd /path/to/kindie/
Note: You MUST go to working folder have source code to run the following commands
Before we run our application, you need to install all the dependencies, to do that, run the following command and wait till it finishes.
$ npm install
To start our application, run the following command:
$ sails lift
Now your node server is running on PORT 1337.
Note: Kindie build on SailsJS Framework, so if you need futher infomation how to config advanced please ref:
To stop our application, press CTRL+ C
Run the following command using the server "forever" $ forever start app.js
How to start our application using cPanel?
- Search "Setup Node.js App" from your cPanel account.
- Click on "Setup Node.js App" link and then click on "CREATE APPLICATION" button
- After filling the form click on "CREATE"button.
- Once the app created open your "File Manager".
- In root directory, upload all files/folders located inside "script" folder in this folder.
- Once all file uploaded open your node app which we created above.
- Now its showing these 2 extra options: Run NPM Install & Run JS script
- First click on "Run NPM Install" button to install all dependencies.
- Select "build" option and click on "Run JS script" button.
- That's it. Now open your website, you will see kindie installation page.
Instructions for Using the Software on the Website Platform (Management Board)
Kindie helps schools to oversee and manage the activities of staff, parents, and students. It manages teaching programs, information flows, and school reports. Below is a guide for the management board on using the software on the website platform.
1. Logging into the Software
- Step 1: Access the software.
Go to the Kindie administration website Here. - Step 2: Sign in.
In the Sign-in window, enter your Email and Password provided.
Select Log In to sign in to the software.
2/ Update school information
- Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.
Select School from the menu.
- Step 2: Fill in the information.
In the School window, fill in the school information in the provided form (1).
Finally, click Update to save the information.
3/ Create a branch
To create a branch for the school, follow these steps:
- Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.
Select Branch from the menu.
- Step 2:
In the right-hand side Branch window, click on Add New.
- Step 3: Branch information.
Fill in the information for the new branch in the provided form (1).
Finally, click Add to complete the process. You can go to the Management section on the left side of the screen to verify the branch you just created.
4/ Create a new session
To create a new session for the school, follow these steps:
- Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on Academy.
Select Session from the options.
In the right-hand side Session window, click on Add New.
- Step 2: Session information.
Fill in the information for the new session in the provided form (1).
Finally, click Add to complete the process.
5/ Creating a new group class
To create a new group class, follow these steps:
Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on Academy.
Then select Class Groups.
In the Group Class window on the right side, click on Add New.
Step 2: Group Class Information
Fill in the information for the new group class in the form (1).
Finally, click on Add to complete.
6/ Creating a new class
Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on Academy.
Then select Classes.
In the Classes window on the right side, click on Add New.
Step 2: Class Information
Fill in the information for the new class in the form (1).
Finally, click on Add to complete.
7/ Creating a new menu
To create a new menu, follow these steps:
Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on Academy.
Then select Foods.
In the Foods window on the right side, you have two options:- Add New: Add a single dish at a time
- Import: Upload multiple dishes at once (using the provided template file)
Step 2: Dish Information
- For Add New: Fill in the information for the new dish in the form (1) and click Add New to add the dish.
- For Import:
Choose the English/Vietnamese template file.
You will be directed to a Google Drive page with various sheets, select the MenuSample.xls file.
Fill in the menu dishes according to the file template. Pay attention to the Class Code field and enter the correct class code for adding the menu.
After completing the menu, save the file to your computer. Go to File > Download > Microsoft Excel (.xls).
Finally, return to the Kindie software and import the file. Click on Choose File, select the saved MenuSample.xls file, and click Open.
- For Add New: Fill in the information for the new dish in the form (1) and click Add New to add the dish.
8/ Creating a new subject
To create a new subject, follow these steps:
Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on Academy.
Then select Subject.
In the Subject window on the right side, you have two options:- Add New: Add a single subject at a time
- Import: Upload multiple subjects at once (using the provided template file)
Step 3: Subject Information
- For Add New: Fill in the information for the new subject in the form (1) and click Add New to add the subject.
- For Import:
Choose the English/Vietnamese template file.
You will be directed to a Google Drive page with various sheets, select the ScheduleSample.xls file.
Fill in the subject according to the file template. Pay attention to the Class Code field and enter the correct class code for adding the subject.
After completing the subject, save the file to your computer. Go to File > Download > Microsoft Excel (.xls).
Finally, return to the Kindie software and import the file. Click on Choose File, select the saved ScheduleSample.xls file, and click Open.
- For Add New: Fill in the information for the new subject in the form (1) and click Add New to add the subject.
9/ Adding new students
To add students to a class, follow these steps:
Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on Management.
Select the branch that contains the class where you want to add students (e.g., Default Branch).
In the branch window, click on the class where you want to add students (e.g., Test 2).
Step 2:
In the Student window on the right side, you have two options:- Add New: Add a single student at a time
- Import: Upload multiple students at once (using the provided template file)
Step 3: Student Information
- For Add New: Fill in the student's information in both forms Profile and Healthy Info
- For Import:
Choose the English/Vietnamese template file.
You will be directed to a Google Drive page with various sheets, select the StudentSample.xlsx file.
Fill in the student information according to the file template. Pay attention to the Class Code field and enter the correct class code for adding the student.
After completing the student information, save the file to your computer. Go to File > Download > Microsoft Excel (.xlsx).
Finally, return to the Kindie software and import the file. Click on Choose File, select the saved StudentSample.xlsx file, and click Open.
- For Add New: Fill in the student's information in both forms Profile and Healthy Info
10/ Adding new parents
To add new parents, follow these steps:
Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on Management.
Select the branch that contains the class where you want to add parents (e.g., Default Branch).
In the branch window, click on the class where you want to add parents (e.g., Test 2).
Step 2:
Click on the Parents section.
In the Parent window on the right side, you have two options:- Add New: Add a single parent at a time
- Import: Upload multiple parents at once (using the provided template file)
Step 3: Parent Information
- For Add New: Fill in the parent's information in the form
- For Import:
Choose the English/Vietnamese template file.
You will be directed to a Google Drive page with various sheets, select the ParentSample.xlsx file.
Fill in the parent information according to the file template.
After completing the parent information, save the file to your computer. Go to File > Download > Microsoft Excel (.xlsx).
Finally, return to the Kindie software and import the file. Click on Choose File, select the saved ParentSample.xlsx file, and click Open.
- For Add New: Fill in the parent's information in the form
11/ Creating health examination schedule
Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on Academy.
Then select Medical.
In the Medical window on the right side, click on Add New.
Step 2: Class Information
Fill in the information for the health examination schedule in the form (1).
Finally, click on Add to complete.
12/ Posting new articles and news for the school
Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on News.
Then select All News.
In the Post window on the right side, click on Add New.
Step 2: Class Information
Fill in the information for the news in the form (1).
Finally, click on Add New to complete.
13/ Create Photo Albums
- Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on Information Portal.
Next, select the Album section. After the Albums window opens, click on the Add new button to start creating a new album.
- Step 2: Create a new photo album.
Fill in the album information in the form (1) and upload the images.
Finally, click Add new to complete the album creation. Now you have successfully created a photo album.
14/ Send Notifications to Each Class/Parent/Teacher
Steps for the school to create and send notifications to parents and teachers.
- Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on Information Portal.
Next, select the Notifications section.
- Step 2:
In the Notifications window on the right side, click on Add new.
- Step 3: Create content for the notification.
Create a new notification using the form (1) and select the appropriate notification type (scope): All/Parents/Teachers.
Finally, click Add new to send the notification.
15/ Creating fees & notification invoice
First we need to create a list of fees (or fees that need to be collected).
- Step 1:
On the software main interface, click Fee.
Select the Fee section.
In the Fee window, click Add new on the right side.
- Step 2: Fill in information about the new fee.
Please fill in the information for the new fee such as name, amount,... according to form (1).
Finally, click Add to add the fee to the list.
Once created, the new fee will be displayed in the category as follows:
Next, we will create invoices for the objects from the created charges:
- Step 1:
Select the Invoice section.
In the Invoice window, click Add new on the right side.
- Step 2: Add new invoice.
Invoice type options (1).
Fill in the invoice information in section (2).
Select the fee categories to collect from the pre-created list (1).
Multiple fees can be collected in 1 invoice, select Add new (2) to add other categories to the invoice.
Then select Continue to go to the next step.
- Step 3: Check the newly created invoice.
Check and edit the invoice information in section (1).
Save the invoice to complete invoice creation (2).
- Step 4: Send invoice notification.
In the Invoice window there is a list of invoices that have been created. Here, you will select the invoice you want to send notification to.
Select Sent to parent or Sent to parent and notification to send invoice notification to parents.
16/ Accounting
- Step 1:
Select the Invoice section.
In the Invoices window, in the list of invoices there will be components as noted in the image.
- Step 2: Accounting operations
- (1) View information: This will tell you information about invoices as well as invoice payment status.
- (2) Edit: You can change invoice information such as price, payment method, etc. After completing editing, select Save to save the invoice or Send Email Notify Invoice to send the notification. Notify parents of bill changes.
- (3) Update payment status: Helps accountants update invoices when parents make payments. For example: Nguyen Van Luoi's parents pay 1 million tuition in cash in advance, then the accountant will update the system and note the information as shown below.
- (1) View information: This will tell you information about invoices as well as invoice payment status.
17/ Adding new staff members (Teachers, Drivers, Accountants, School Administrators)
- Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on the gear icon located in the top-right corner of the screen.
Select Users.
- Step 2:
In the STAFFS window on the right side, click on Add New.
- Step 3: Fill in the information.
In the Staff window, fill in the information and assign the staff member's position according to the form (1).
Finally, click on Add New to add the staff member.
18/ Attendance Management
- Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on Management.
Choose the branch containing the class for attendance.
- Step 2:
In the branch window, click on the class for attendance.
- Step 3:
In the list of students, select the student for attendance.
- Step 4:
Continue to click on the Attendance section to view the attendance information of the student.
Here you can view information about the days the student was absent as well as manage the pickup/drop-off times for students.
19/ Manage buses and assign students to pick up students
Create new bus information
- Step 1:
On the software main interface, click on the gear icon in the right corner of the screen.
Select the Bus section .
- Step 2:
In the bus window that appears, select Add new.
- Step 3: Điền thông tin.
Please fill in the new bus information as well as the driver's name(1).
Finally, click Add new to add the bus to the system.
Assign students to pick up and drop off buses
- Step 1:
In the list of buses, click on the bus icon of the bus you want to assign.
- Step 2:
In the window a list of students will appear, select (2)students the bus will pick up. We can quickly search for students in the search bar (1).
Finally, click Update to add students to the list of buses that will pick up.
20/ Messengers (Exchange Information, Chat with Classes)
- Messengers
- Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on Messengers.
- Step 2:
In the opened window, choose the conversation you want to exchange information with (1).
In the chat interface, enter the content you want to discuss in the Input message section and can send images or attached files.
Finally, select the green arrow to send your message.
21/ Change class
- Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on Academy (1).
Then select Change Class (2).
Use the search bar and filter the list to find students faster (3).
After finding the student you need to transfer, select that student (4).
Next, in section (5), select the class the student will be transferred to.
Click Move to complete (6).
22/ Upload media
Step 1:
On the main interface of the software, click on Academy.
In the Medias window on the right side, click on Add New.
Step 2: Upload medias
Select the file to upload in section. Note that the file has a maximum upload file size 20MB. Enter image caption content in the Caption box.
Select Add new (2) to complete the upload.
Guide for Mobile App for Parents, Teachers, and Drivers
1/ Installation & Login to the Kindie App on your mobile device
- Step 1: Install Kindie
You can easily find and download the Kindie app from the App Store and Google Play Store.
- Step 2: Login
Open the Kindie app that you have installed.
Choose your role as Parent/Teacher/Driver.
Enter your Username and Password provided by the school.
Click LOGIN to access the app.
2/ Change Password and Update Personal Information
After installing and successfully logging into the Kindie app, we will proceed to change the password for your account and update some information.
- Step 1:
On the app screen, tap on the 3-line icon located on the left side of the screen.
In the menu bar that appears, select .
- Step 2: Fill in user information
Enter the required information below.
Press SAVE CHANGES to save the information.
- Step 3: Change the password for your account
Enter your current password in the Old Password field and enter the new password you want to change in the two New Password and Confirm Password fields.
Finally, press SAVE CHANGES to save the password.
For Parents
1/ Requesting Leave for the Child
- Step 1:
On the Home screen of the app, select Request Leave.
- Step 2: Fill in the leave request information.
Parents will enter the leave details for their child, including the duration and reason.
Finally, click SEND to submit the leave request to the teacher.
2/ Viewing the Menu
- Step 1:
On the Home screen of the app, select Menu.
- Step 2:
Parents can view the menu for each meal of the day for their child. They can also review past menus from previous days, helping parents monitor their child's nutrition at school.
3/ Checking Tuition Fee
- Step 1:
On the Home screen of the app, select Tuition Fee.
Currently updating.
4/ Tuition Fee Payment
5/ Following Children's Activities
- On the Home screen of the app, select Follow.
- Parents can track the time when their child enters/exits the classroom.
6/ Online Exchange with Teachers
- Step 1:
On the Home screen of the app, select the Messages section at the bottom.
- Step 2:
Here, choose the conversation you want to engage in.
- Step 3:
In the chat interface, enter the content you want to discuss in the Input message section and can send images or attached files.
Finally, select the green arrow to send your message.
For Teachers
1/ View Class Schedule
With the Kindie app, teachers can view the class schedule for the assigned teaching class and easily check them through the application.
- On the home screen, select the class you want to check the schedule for. Tap on Class Schedule.
- Teachers can view the weekly class schedule with specific time slots and activities.
2/ Attendance
- Step 1: Select the class for attendance
On the Home screen, Teachers should choose the class they want to take attendance for.
Tap on Attendance.
- Step 2: Take Attendance
- Take attendance for arrival
In the "In" section, enable the function to confirm that students have arrived in class.
Then confirm who brought the student to class (parent/driver) and select Update.
Finally, select SEND NOTIFICATION to send the attendance notification.
- Take attendance for leaving
In the "Out" section, enable the function to confirm that students have left class.
Then confirm who picked up the student (parent/driver), add additional notes in the Note section (if any), and select Update.

Finally, select SEND NOTIFICATION to send the attendance notification.

3/ Online Communication
- Step 1:
On the Home screen of the app, select the Messages section at the bottom.
- Step 2:
Choose the Class you want to communicate with.
After selecting the class, Teachers will receive a corresponding list of conversations for that class.
Teachers can also view information about the conversations in the contact section and choose the conversation they want to discuss.
- Step 3:
In the chat interface, enter the content you want to discuss in the Input message section and can send images or attached files.
Finally, select the green arrow to send your message as a Teacher.
4/ View student health information
- Step 1: Select the class to view information
On the home screen, choose the class for which you want to view information.
Tap on Health.
- Step 2: Choose the student to view information
Select the student whose health information you want to view.
With the information provided by the system, teachers can have an overview of students' health status to plan and organize suitable activities.
5/ Centralized Media Management
On the Home screen, Teachers should select the Notification section in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Teachers can interact by liking and commenting on the content.
For Drivers
Attendance and Status Update When Transporting Students
- Check-in at School
In the "In" section, turn on the function to confirm that the student has arrived at school.
Then confirm the person who brought the student to school (parent/driver) and select Update.
Finally, select SEND NOTIFICATION to send a confirmation notification that the student has been picked up.
- Check-out from School
In the "Out" section, turn on the function to confirm that the student has left school.
Then confirm the person picking up the student at home, you can add a note in the Note section (if any), and select Update.
Finally, select SEND NOTIFICATION to send a notification that the student has arrived home.