Basic app settings

Basic app settings

August 18, 2019

Your website must be run on WordPress version >5.x, of course, we always suggest you should upgrade to the latest version. We will upgrade here any logs update when WordPress upgrades the versioning.

1. Backend WordPress Theme

For easy to config the WordPress site, you can download the site from our GitHub. With this project, we were already config and install all plugins that is used for the app, or if you have your existing website, you can set up by yourself.

2. Backend WordPress Plugins installation

In order to configure the WordPress site, you must download the plugins below:

LATEST VERSION V1.3.3 – Mar 05, 2020
Support page builder: WP Page builder + Elementor
Add common plugins: popular posts + related posts
Add rating module: generating and displaying interactive star ratings
Support some common languages
Optimize app perfomance x2 speed
(Compatible with the latest version)
this was already config and install all plugin that uses for the app, or if you have your existing website, you can following by below setting.

Older versions:

V1.3.2 – Feb 11, 2020
Support YouTube with format
Add settings privacy + term and condition from backend plugin
Fix crash app when has multi-categories

V1.3 – December 27, 2019
Support page builder: WP Page builder + Elementor
Add common plugins: popular posts + related posts
Add rating module: generating and displaying interactive star ratings
Support common languages
Optimize app performance x2 speed

V1.2.4 – December 05,2019
Fix bug show no data when gallery is empty
Add Interstitial Admob for post detail page
String translation when the categories have no data

V1.2.2 – November 20, 2019
Fix bug show no data when gallery is empty
Add Interstitial Admob for post detail page

V1.2.1 – November 20, 2019
select layout homepage latest posts: Left Thumb, Right Thumb, Grid Thumb, Card Thumb

V1.2.0 – November 08, 2019
Change the default image when load list posts.
Fix search function.
Fix scroll app to refresh on the home page.
Fix swiper action to delete bookmark items.
Add a gradient to layout two-column and carousel.

List WordPress Plugins we will use above

ADVANCED CUSTOM FIELDS: plugin to take full control of your WordPress edit screens & custom field data.

ZAPES MOBILE APPLICATION: plugin to help you to check fully services need for the Zapes on WordPress.

Note: After active all plugins, please make sure that all configuration is ok as below (Settings > Zapes Mobile Application):

3. Mobile App config

Go the project folder, open the file: src/common/config.js and follow 2 simple steps to set up the app:
Step 1: Change your WordPress site URL

Step 2: Config image and default layout post

1. How to change colors?

You can change the color using rgba color or Hexa codes as follows:

For example: to change the cloGdaabberItem, simply change numbers between ( ) with your desired rgba color code : (0,0,0,0.9)

3. How to change icon App?

  • With android, you can follow these step:
Step 1:  You access to folder res android in your app.

Usually the folder res in the “project/android/app/src/main/”.

Android icons require five separate sizes for different screen pixel densities. Icons for lower resolution are created automatically from the baseline.

Step 2:  Create new 5 icons(.png) with name: “ic_launcher.png”
mdpi (Baseline): (48 x 48)
hdpi: 240 dpi (72 x 72)
xhdpi: 320 dpi (96 x 96)
xxhdpi: 480 dpi (144 x 144)
xxxhdpi: 640 dpi (192 x 192
Step 3:  Copy to each respective folder.
Step 4:  Clear cache and build app again.

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We have experience in working with different platforms, systems, and devices to create products that are compatible and accessible.